There is two side to a coin. An entry level amp has 200W@4 Ohms and 100W@ 8 Ohms. But why not design an amp that also raise the performance and power with 200W@ 8 Ohms?  This is exactly what NuPrime does with amps design.

Another fact is that NuPrime’s amps are capable of more power than the spec suggested. So if 4 and 8 Ohms are specified at 100Wx2, that means the power supply is a 200W PSU. And we are extremely conservative about our power rating (we provide conservative RMS rating, not peak power). A customer reported 180W for IDA-8 because he is using just one channel to do the measurement. So, if IDA-8 is in a bigger case, and we put in a 300W PSU, you will see a higher rating. In reality, you get more than 100W per channel from the 200W PSU, because not both channels are driven at the same time.

Why don’t we put in a bigger PSU? Each model is designed for specific product position and adding more power will certainly increase the cost and size of the product.

Category: Power Supply