Where are your products made and who benefits from my purchase?

We are committed to transparency in our product sourcing. NuPrime makes electronics with parts sourced globally, with roughly 30% of our parts come from US companies. 60% of our gross profits go to worldwide distributors, dealers, support staff, and salespeople. 10% of our gross profits go to Taiwanese factory workers and expenses. The remaining 30% […]

What kind of trigger cable can be used for your products?

When a device has a 12V trigger input, it is designed to be turned on when a 12V is detected. You can use any standard male to male 3.5mm (3-pin type) cable. https://components101.com/connectors/35mm-audio-jack The Tip section is +12V, the bottom Sleeve section is GND, and the middle Ring section is not used. Nuprime’s trigger design […]

Speakers for IDA-8 ?

IDA-8 is an extremely popular and award winning integrated amp. New users are welcome to read this long topic on audiocircle.com: http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=134697.0