By Christiaan Punter, HiFi-Advice

Nuprime AMG STA-SE ($2295 USD / $2595 Euro) won HFA Award from HiFi Advice. Christiaan Punter is a highly respected reviewer who has evaluated the Nuprime ST-10/10M, AMG STA, Evolution STA, and AMG STA-SE. We have gained valuable insights from his critical comments and have “secretly” relied on his reviews to reaffirm the improvements in our amplifiers. 🙂.
Here are the notable statements from the review:
We had two amplifiers by the same brand on opposing ends: the exceptionally robust, full-bodied ST-10 and the exceptionally agile, airy, and refined AMG STA….Could the new model hold the ideal mid-position? Well, upon first powering up the new amp, that question was immediately answered.
The AMG STA-SE does not fall into this trap and walks the fine line between maintaining control and stability on the one hand and providing emotional involvement on the other. This is one of NuPrime’s most alluring qualities: their Class-D products do not sound like other Class-D products.
The AMG STA-SE is a different animal. Given its ballsy and confident yet liquid presentation, it’s perhaps more like Class A than Class A/B. More specifically, no longer Jeff Rowland-esque, in some ways, it now sounds more like a Pass Labs amplifier.
The AMG STA-SE’s timbre has truly improved beyond the original model and is now indeed much closer to that of the ST-10. But it’s not quite as neutrally natural or well-balanced as the CH. In terms of articulation, control, transient behavior, and dynamics, I have to admit the little NuPrime more or less performs at a similar level. Remarkably for a big power amp, though, the CH also has airier treble, sounds lusher (more free-breathing), is more fluid, and has more delicacy. Compared to the Big Swiss, the newcomer still sounds less convincingly realistic. But to put this into perspective, the AMG STA-SE sounds more natural than all other Class D amplifiers I have heard.
So, the reference-class amplifier still wins, but not by as big a margin as the price difference might suggest. Ultimately, I don’t expect a 2.500 euro amp to perform as well as a 30.000 euro amp, let alone beat it.
The AMG STA-SE may no longer be the absolute bargain it was in 2020, but I still do not know any other amplifier under 5000 euros that equals it, let alone one that comes close at the same price point.

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